Ejercicios Clase 10

Solo Build It!

A. Complete estas frases con la forma verbal adecuada.

1             I go to work and my daughter  .................................  to school.

2             They live in Málaga and he  ................................ in Madrid,

3             We like mountains and she  .................. .......... beaches.

4             I always have a shower and he always  ....................... bath.

5             You watch the news on TV and he..................... soap aperas.

6             He comes from Japan and the  .......................... from Hong Kong.

7             She studies English and you  .............................. Italian.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             goes      
2             lives
4             has                        
5             watches
6             come
7             study

B. Escriba lo que Usted está diciendo.

1             Diga a alguien que Usted no fuma nunca.

                I  ............................................  ................................................................... .

2             Diga a alguien que nunca nieva en su país.

                .............  .....................................  ............................................................. in my country.

3             Diga a alguien que Pete siempre lee el periódico.

                Pete .............  .....................................  .................................... ......................... . 

4             Diga a alguien que siempre llueve los fines de semana.

                It  ........................................................................ at he ......................................... .

5             Diga a alguien que Usted no vive en un piso.

                 I ............................... ' ...........  ............................. in a .......................................... .

6             Diga a alguien que Marina no habla inglés.

                Marina .......................... ' .............  ....................................... English . 

7             Diga a alguien que Usted no sabe qué hora es.

                I ................ '  ...............  ...................... .........................  ............... time.

8             Diga a alguien que las tigres no comen verduras.

                ....................................  .............. ' .......... ......................... vegetables.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             never smoke     
2             It never snows
3             always redas the newspaper
4             always rains/weekend
5             don´t live/flat
6             doesn´t speak
7             don´t know the
8             Tigres don´t eat

C. Escribe lo contrario. Utilice contracciones cuando sea posible.

1             I know.


2             We understand


3             He doesn´t smoke.


4             She likes rap music.


5             They don´t speak Dutch.


6             It never rains in April.


7             It doesn´t snow in the mountains.


8             I don´t eat cookies.


9             She lives in Málaga.


Las respuestas correctas.

1             I don´t know.
2             We don´t understand.
3             He smokes.
4             She doesn´t like opera.
5             They speak French.
6             It always rains in April.
7             It snows in the mountains.
8             I eat cookies.
9             She doesn´t live in Málaga.

D. Traduzca al inglés

1             ¿Estudias inglés todos los días?


2             ¿Fuma ella?


3             ¿Cuándo desayunas?


4             ¿Trabaja él en Sevilla?


5             ¿Dónde vive ella?


6             ¿A qué hora te levantas?

Las respuestas correctas.

1             Do you study English every day?
2             Does she smoke?
3             When do you have breakfast?
4             Does he work in Seville?
5             Where does she live?
6             What time do you get up?

E. Exprese desacuerdo utilizando 'respuestas cortas'. Utilice contracciones.

1             A year has got 333 days.


2             Spain is in South America.


3             There aren´t any trees in Canada.


4             There are ten months in a year.


5             London isn´t in England.


6             A day doesn´t have 24 hours.


7             Bakers don´t make bread.


8             Switzerland hasn´t got any banks.


9             It rains every day in the Sahara Desert.


10           It never snows in the Alps.


11           Planes always arrive late.


12           Water boils at 40 degrees Celsius.


Las respuestas correctas.

1             No/hasn´t
2             No/it isn´t (it´s not)
3             Yes/they are
4             No/there aren´t
5             Yes/it is
6             Yes/it does
7             Yes/they do
8             Yes/it has
9             No/it doesn´t
10           Yes/it does
11           No/they don´t
12           No/it doesn´t

F. Complete con las formas vebales en '-ing' y las palabars dadas.

                read - go - have - watch - wear

1             DUCHA

                He is ................................................ a ........................................................................... .

2             SOMBRERO

                She is ....................................................... a big .............................................................. .

3             PERIÓDICO.

                John is ................................................. a .......................................................................... .

4             TELEVISIÓN

                They are ............................................................. the ........................................................

5             CIRCO

                We are to the ................................................................................................... tomorrow. 

Las respuestas correctas.

1             havin/shower
2             wearing/hat
3             reading/newspaper.
4             watching/television
5             going/circus

G. ¿Qué está sucediendo en este momento? Utilice las pistas.

1             he/eat

                ................... ' ............. ............................ ....................... strawberry.
2             I/have

                ................ ' ............ ............................................... ............... shower.

3             they/go

                .............................. ' ................... .................................... ............. holiday.

4             it/snow

                .................. ' .................... .......................................... .

5             she/not/listen

                ......................  .............. ' ..............  ........................................................... .

 6            we/sit

                .....................  '  ............  ..................................  ........................ the study.

7             sun/shine

                ..................  ...............  ...........  ....................................................... .

8             wear

                I .............  ............................................................ new gloves.

9             he/not/work

                .............................  ..................... ' .......  ........................... today.

10           run

                Mr Gates ........................  ............................................ to work.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             He´s eating an
2             I´m having a
3             They´re going on
4             It´s snowing
5             She isn´t listening
6             We´re sitting in
7             The sun is shining
8             am wearing
9             He isn´t working
10           is running

H. Complete las preguntas con el verbo adecuado.

1             COCINAR/BEBER

                What are you ............................................. ? A chicken stew.
2             ESCRIBIR/LEER

                What are you .................  ....................? The Sun newspaper.
3             IR/DORMIR

                Where is she .................................. ? To the supermarket.

4             SENTARSE/VIVIR             

                Where is he ..................................... ? On the sofa in the living room.

5             DECIR/CANTAR

                What is the young girl ...............  .................. ? A folk song.

6             ANIDAR/CORRER

                Where are the birds .....................................  ? In a big, old tree.
7             COMER/FUMAR

                What is the old man .................  .................... ? A cigar.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             cooking

2             reading
3             going
4             sitting
5             singing
6             nesting
7             smoking

I.Utilice el 'Present Simple' para completar las frases.

1             LEAVE

                The train .................................................... at quarter past ten.

2             BEGIN

                What time .................................... the film .................................... tonight?

3             NOT CLOSE
                The shops ........................... ' .......................................... on Mondays. 

4             NOT LEAVE         

                The bus ................................. ' ............. ......................................... at five o´clock . 

5             START

                What time .......................... the concert ...........................................?

6             ARRIVE

                We ........................................ in Finland tomorrow morning.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             leaves
2             does/begin
3             don´t close
4             doesn´t leave
5             does/start
6             arrive

J. Elija la forma verbal correcta.

1             eats/is eating

                Look! The cat ............................................................... your food. 

2             Are you working/Do you work

                .................................................................. on Saturdays?

3             are staying/stay

                The children .................................... with their grandparents this weekend. 

4             don´t smoke/aren´t smoking

                Dogs .......................................................................................................

5             do/are

                What ............................................................... you doing tomorrow? 

6             study/am studying

                I never ................................................................... in the morning

Las respuestas correctas.

1             is eating
2             Do you work
3             visiting
4             don´t smoke
5             are
6             study

K. Asocie las preguntas con las respuestas.

1             What do you do?                                                          

A             No, its doesn´t.

2             What do you do at weekends?                                

B             At twelve fifteen.

3             What does she do?                                                      

C             No, they don´t. 

4             Does spaghetti grow on trees?                                

D             No, she doesn´t.

5             Where do cooks work?                                                              

E             I´m a teacher.

6             When does the train arrive?                                    

F             To the kitchen. 
7             Where has Bill gone?                                                  

G            I relax.

8             Do frogs eat carrots?                                                   

H             She´s a hairdresser.

9             Does he study English every day?                          

I              Yes, he does. 
10           Does Mrs Steves smoke?                                                          

J              In kitchens.        

Las respuestas correctas.

1             E
2             G
3             H
4             A
5             J
6             B
7             F
8             C
9             I
10           D

L. Asocie cada situación con una afirmación o una pregunta.

1             Usted ve a alguien mirando debajo  de los almohadones del sofá.

A             W´re walking to work today.


2             Después del trabajo, un amigo le dice  que Usted parece muy cansado.

B             He´s listening to music.


3             Hay una huelga de autobús. Los usuarios  tienen que ir a trabajar andando.

C             I never drink alcohol.


4             Una deportista pasa corriendo camino   de su trabajo.

D             What are you looking for?


5             El furgoneta de un hombre se encuentra averiado en la cuneta.       

E             I always have breakfast at Retamar´s.


6             Un joven en el metro lleva puestos  unos auriculares.  

F             I´m working very hard    at the moment.

7             En una fiesta, alguien le ofrece un whiskey.      

G            The people there speak French and Italian.

8             Un profesor está hablando a su clase sobre Córcega.

H             What are you reading?


9             Ve a alguien leyendo un libro.                                  I              I run to work every day.
10           Un hombre está comiendo tostadas en una caftería.

J              It isn´t working.                


Las respuestas correctas.

1             D
2             F
3             A
4             I
5             J
6             B
7             C
8             G
9             H
10           E

Solo Build It!