Ejercicios Clase 12

Solo Build It!

A. Ordene las palabras para formar frases afirmativas.

1             Is/She/woman/a/old/smart


2             young/She/is/interesting/an/woman


3             the/middle aged/He´s/man/tall


4             woman/a/Spanish/She´s/short


5             intelligent/are/students/French/They


Las respuestas correctas.

1             She is a smart old woman.          
2             She is an interesting young woman.
3             He´s the tall middle aged man.
4             She´s a short Spanish woman.
5             They are intelligent French students

B. Complete las frases con la palabra adecuada.

1             with/got

                She´s   ...........................................long blonde hair .

2             with/got

                He´s the tall boy  .............  .....................................  short hair
3             shirt/beard

                My teacher is the man in the black ................................................. .

4             have/has

                He ...................... got fair hair and a moustache.

5             blond/black

                She´s got  .......... .................... hair and she´s carrying a handbag.

6             with/have

                That man over there .................................... the dog.

7             have/it

                They´re the men .................... ...............  the long brown coats.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             got
2             with
3             shirt
4             has
5             black
6             with
7             in

C.Traduzca al inglés. Utilice contracciones cuando sea posible.

1             ¿Qué aspecto tiene él?


2             Ella es bastante joven.


3             Mi padre es muy alto.


4             ¿Cuántos años tienes?


5             Ella tiene alrededor de cincuenta años.


6             Mi coche tiene dieciocho años.


Las respuestas correctas.

1             What does he look like?
2             She´s quite young.
3             My father´s very tall.
4             How old are you?
5             She´s about fifty years old.
6             My car´s eighteen years old.

D. Complete las frases, usando 'with' o 'in' además de otros palabras.

1             Jack is tall.Jack´s got black hair.

                Jack´s the ............................ man .............................. black............................ .

2             Mary´s got blue eyes. She´s thin.

                Mary´s is ............................... girl ....................................... blue ..................... .

3             Paco has a beard. He´s fat..

                Paco´s the ................................... man with a .............................. . 

4             Ricardo is wearing a suit. He´s very tall and he´s middle-aged.

                Ricardo´s ............................  ................................ middle-aged man ...................... a suit. 

5             Pat is carrying an umbrella. She´s old.

                Pat´s the.......................... woman ............................. the .............................. . 

6             Who´s the woman wearing thegreen coat?
                Who´s teh woman ................... the ....................................... coat? 

7             Mandy´s got long hair. She´s young and she´s thin.

                Mandy´s the .......................  .............................. girl ...................... long hair. 

8             Angela is wearing big boots. She´s short and she´s young.

                Angela´s the ........................  ........................... girl .................... big .................... . 

9             Eduardo is short. He´s carrying a black briefcase.

                Eduardo´s the....................... man ....................... the .................... briefcase. 

10           Mauricio´s got brown hair. He´s young.

                Mauricio´s ............................. man ...............................  ........................  ........................ .

Las respuestas correctas.

1             tall/with/hair
2             thin/with/eyes
3             fat/beard
4             very tall/in
5             old/with/umbrella
6             in/green
7             thin young/with
8             short young/in/boots
9             short/with/black
10           young/with brown hair

E. Complete las respuestas con las palabras dadas.

1             Has he got a beard? (BIGOTE)

                No, but ................. ' ............ ................ a..................................................................

2             Do you have brown hair? (NEGRO)
                No, I..............................  .................................................................................

3             Have you got brown eyes? (PELO)

                No, I´ve .............................  ...............................  ...................................................

4             Does he have fair hair? (OSCURO)

                No, he ........................  .....................................  ..................................................

5             Has she got blue eyes? (VERDE)

                No, ....................... ' ..................................... ................................................... eyes.

6             Do they have straight hair? (RIZADO)

                No, they ..........................  .................................  ....................................................

7             Does she have very long hair? (CORTO)

                No, she .......................... very ................................................. hair. 

8             Have they got brown eyes? (AZUL)

                No, .............................. ' ......................  ......................  ..................................... eyes.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             he´s got/moustache
2             have black hair
3             got brown hair
4             has dark hair
5             she´s got green
6             have curly hair
7             has/short
8             they´ve got blue

F. Reescriba la segunda frase evitando repeticiones con 'one'. 

1             Who´s that old man? The old man in the raincoat.


2             Which girl is your niece? The girl in the red dress.


3             There are two men over there. Which man is your husband?


4             Which woman is your wife? That woman over there.


Las respuestas correctas.

1             The one in the raincoat.
2             The one in the red dress.
3             Which one is your husband?
4             That one over there.

G. Complete las frases con adjetivos comparativos.

1             I am thin, but you are ....................................................... 
2             She is young, but her friend is ........ ..........................................

3             He is fat, but his brother is ...................................................

4             Her hair is long, but my hair is .................... .......................................

5             We are old, but they are ......................................................................... .

6             Your hair is dark, but his hair is..................... .................................

7             They are friendly, but we are .......................................... .....................

8             Bill is nice, but his sister is  ................................................................

Las respuestas correctas.

1             thinner
2             younger
3             fatter
4             longer
5             older
6             darker
7             friendlier  
8             nicer

H. Escriba los comparativos de los siguientes adjetivos.

1             ugly       ........................................................................................................................

2             cheap   ........................................................................................................................

3             straight ........................................................................................................................

4             lazy        ........................................................................................................................

5             easy      ........................................................................................................................

6             cold       ........................................................................................................................
7             white    ........................................................................................................................

8             old         ........................................................................................................................

Las respuestas correctas.

1             uglier
2             cheaper
3             straighter
4             lazier
5             easier
6             colder
7             whiter
8             older

I. Escriba los adjetivos de los siguientes comparativos.

1             happier ........................................................................................................................

2             later ........................................................................................................................

3             fairer ........................................................................................................................

4             curlier ........................................................................................................................

5             shorter ........................................................................................................................

6             bigger ........................................................................................................................
7             slimmer ........................................................................................................................

8             earlier ........................................................................................................................

Las respuestas correctas.

1             happy
2             late
3             fair
4             curly
5             short
6             big
7             slim
8             early

J. Escriba lo que diría en estas situaciones.

1             Alguien le pregunta si el autobús va a Londres. Diga que cree que sí.

                Yes, I ........................................  ......................

2             Alguien le pregunta si hay un banco cerca de aquí. Diga que no lo sabes

                ............. ' ....... sorry. I ..................... ' .................. know.

3             Alguien le pregunta dónde hay un bar. Usted cree que hay uno a la izquierda.

                ........... ................. there´s ................. on the left.

4             Alguien le pregunta si va a llover. Diga que cree que no.

                No, I ................... ' .....  .............................  ............... .

Las respuestas correctas.

1             think so
2             I´m/don´t
3             I think/one
4             don´t think so

K. Reescriba las frases siguientes.

1             Tony is much younger than Malva.

                Malva is .............................  ....................  ........................... Tony.

2             Frankl is much shorter than Blanca.

                Blanca is .......................................  ..................................  ..................... Frank.

3             Ana is a bit thinner than Isabel.

                Isabel  is ........  .............  ...........................  ................................. Ana.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             much older than
2             much taller than
3             a bit fatter than

L. Complete las frases con las palabras dadas y otras.

                so  -  don´t  -  of course  -  afraid  -  think

1             Is that Mr Torres?

                ......................... , I don´t ................................................... so.

2             Can I smoke here?

                ............................, I´m ....................................  ..............  you ................... ' ...... .

3             Is there a post office in this street?
                .............................., I think ......................................

4             Can I use your telephone, please?

                Yes, ..................  ........................ can.

5             Is that Bill´s wife?

                ............................ , I ................................. think so. I think it´s his daughter. 

Las respuestas correctas.

1             No/think
2             No/afraid/can´t
3             Yes/so
4             of course you
5             No/don´t

M. Asocie las frases.

1             Alguien dice que ellos miden casi dos metros.                  

A             That´s about one metre eighty two centimetres.

2             Alguien dice que ellos miden seis pies.                 

B             How high is it?

3             Un adolescente está en la taquilla de un cine para mayores de edad.                   

C             Is that box heavy?.
4             Un hombre muy alto pasa andando.                     

D             Mrs Bowler is the one with the shopping.

5             Pasan dos hombres, uno tiene barba.                   

E             He´s thin and he´s got glasses.                 

6             Usted está al pie de Torre Eiffel.                              

F             How tall is he? 

7             Pasa un hombre llevando una caja.                        

G            She´s nearly twenty four.

8             ¿Qué edad tiene tu mujer?                                        

H             That´s about six foot five.

9             ¿Qué aspecto tiene Len?                                            

I              How old are you? 

10           Pasan dos mujeres, una lleva la compra                              

J              Mr Bowler is the one with the beard.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             H
2             A
3             I
4             F
5             J
6             B
7             C
8             G
9             E
10           D

N. Asocie las preguntas con las respuestas.

1             Is she wearing a hat?                                                   

A             I think he´s gone to the bank.

2             Is he older than you?                                                   

B             No, but he´s got a moustache.

3             Is he her husband?                                                       

C             I don´t think so. I think he´s English.

4             Where´s Mr Gates?                                                      
D             I don´t think so. She doesn´t like hats.

5             Is that Mrs Combs?                                                       

E             I don´t think so. I think it´s her boy friend.                                                         

6             Has a got a beard?                                                         

F             I don´t think so. I think it´s Miss Jackson.

7             Ha sshe got longer hair than you?                           

G            Yes. I´m twenty-one and he´s twenty-seven.

8             Is he American?                                                              
H             I think it´s opposite the police station.

9             Where´s the post office?                                            

I              No, it´s shorter. 

10           Is she older than her brother?                                 

J              I think so, but she´s younger than her sister.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             D
2             G
3             E
4             A
5             F
6             B
7             I
8             C
9             H
10           J

Solo Build It!