Ejercicios Clase 21

Solo Build It!

A. Escriba lo que diría en cada situación.

1             Do you speak Greek?    (ITALIANO)

                No, I speak  .................................................... .

2             Do they speak Japanese?           (ALEMÁN)

                No, they  ..........................................  ...................  .

3             Does she speak French?              (HOLANDÉS)

                No, she ................................................  ......................................... .

4             Does he speak Russian?                              (INGLÉS)

                No, he  ............................................  .................................. .

5             Do you come from Canada?       (ESTADOS UNIDOS)

                No, I .............................  ................. the   ...............................  ................................... .

6             Are they from Australia?             (ESCOCIA)         

                No, ........................ '  ...................................  .......................................................... .

7             Is she from Wales?         (IRLANDA)

                No, ................. ' ...........  ..............  ........................ .

8             Is he English?    (AUSTRALIANO)

                No, ............. ' .............  ........................................................ .

Las respuestas correctas.

1             Italian
2             speak German
3             speaks Dutch
4             speaks English
5             come from/United States
6             they´re from Scotland
7             she´s from Ireland
8             he´s Australian

B. Complete las frases sobre el país e idioma de personajes famosos.

1             Marilyn Monroe was ....................... the States. She spoke ................................. .

2             Karl Marx was ..................................  .................................. . He spoke German.

3             En rico Caruso was ......................... ...................... . He spoke Italian.

4             Miguel de Cervantes was .........................  .......................... . He spoke Spanish.

5             Christian Dior was ................................ France. He spoke ................................... .

6             Ned Kelly was ................................... Australia. He spoke ............................. .

7             Lenin and Stalin were ...................... Russia. .......................... spoke Russian.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             from/English
2             from Germany
3             from Italy
4             from Spain
5             from/French
6             from/English
7             from/They

C. ¿Qué preguntaría o diría en cada situación?

1             Pregunta a alguien de dónde es.

                .................................  .................. you come .................................? 

2             Pregunta a alguien si habla inglés.

                ..................... you speak ..............................................?

3             Diga que usted son de Japón.

                .............. ' ................. from ........................................ . 

4             Pregunta a alguien de dónde son unos amigos suyos (de él).

                Where ............................... they .................................... ? 

5             Pregunta a alguien en qué ciudad vive.
                What town ............................. you ................................. in? 

Las respuestas correctas.

1             Where do/from
2             Do/English
3             We´re/Japan
4             are/from
5             do/live

D. Elija la palabra adecuada, y añada otras cuando sea necesario.

1             prison/office

                I´m a businessman. I work  .............. an ..................................... . 

2             hospital/museum

                She´s a doctor. She works in  ........  ....................................... . 

3             housewives/secretaries

                They´re ......................................... . They work   ......................  their boss.

4             cook/actress

                She´s .........  ........................ . She.............................. ....   ..................... a kitchen. 

5             policewoman/housewives

                We´re ..................................................... . We ...................  ..........................home.

6             painter/nurse

                I was .........  ................................... . I worked ....................... a doctor. 

Las respuestas correctas.

1             in/office
2             a hospital
3             secretaries/for
4             a cook/works in
5             housewives/work at
6             a nurse/for

E. Traduzca al inglés.

1             Nombre de pila


2             Estado civil


3             Fecha de nacimiento


4             Lugar de nacimiento


5             Control de pasaportes



6             Aduana


7             Entrada


8             Salida


9             Apellido


Las respuestas correctas.

1             First name

2             Marital status
3             Date of birth
4             place of birth
5             passport control
6             customs
7             way in (Entrance)
8             Way out (Exit)
9             Surname

F. Reescriba las frases, sustituyendo los pronombres por las palabras dadas.

1             Would you fill these in?               (ESTOS FORMULARIOS)

                Would you ....................  ...........................  ............................... in?

2             Don´t turn it down!        (TU)

                Don´t ..............................  ......................... radio ....................... !

3             Would you turn them off?          (LUCES)

                Would you ........................... his .............................  ...................... ?

4             Can you write it down?                (SU - DE ELLA)

                Can you ..........................  ........................ adress ............................ ?

5             Please bring it back here. (COCHE)

                Please .............................. the .......................  ......................... .

Las respuestas correctas.

1             fill these forms
2             turn your/down
3             turn/lights off
4             wriet her/ down
5             bring/car back

G. ¿Qué diría Usted en cada situación?

1             No entiende lo que alguien está diciendo.

                I´m ............................... . I don´t ..................................................... .

2             Quiere que alguien diga algo otra vez.

                Would ...................... ............................ that ................................., please.

3             Pida a alguien que repita su dirección.

                Can you ........................................ your  ................... , please?

4             Pregunta a alguien cómo se deletrea 'Edinburgh'.

                ................. ... do you  .................. ...............'Edinburgh'?

5             Pida a alguien que hable despacio.

                Would you ....................  ............................. , please?

6             Pida a alguien que rellene uno de estos formularios.

                Please ........................... one of  ......................................  forms ................... .

7             Pida a alguien que escriba su número de teléfono.

                Could you ......................  your telephone number .................................., please?

Las respuestas correctas.

1             sorry/understand
2             you say/again
3             repeat/address
4             How/spell
5             speak slowly
6             fill/these/in
7             write/down

H. Ordene las palabras para formar frases en inglés.

1             INGLÉS/You/well/speak/very


2             NUNCA/He/carefully/drives her car


3             on/She/Monday/late/arrives/SIEMPRE

 4            He/loudly/A MENUDO/sings


 5            very/you/please?/Would/DESPACIO/speak


6             languages/CON FLUIDEZ/speak/they/two


7             BIEN/I/cook/very/omelette/Spanish



Las respuestas correctas.

1             You speak English very well.
2             He never drives her car carefully
3             She always arrives late on Monday.
4             He often sings loudly.
5             Would you speak very slowly, please?
6             The speak two languages fluently.
7             I cook Spanish omelettes very well.

I. Escriba el adjetivo o el adverbio correspondientes.

1             slow      ...................................................

2             fast        ...................................................

3             careful  ...................................................          

4             nicely    ...................................................

5             clever   ...................................................

6             good     ...................................................

7             quietly  ...................................................

8             well       ...................................................

9             late        ...................................................

10           early      ...................................................

Las respuestas correctas.

1             slowly
2             fast
3             carefully
4             nice
5             cleverly
6             well
7             quiet     
8             good
9             late
10           early

J. Asocie cada persona con su trabajo.

1             Nacho works in a school

A             She´s a businesswoman.

2             Ana works at the police station.

B             He´s an animal trainer.

3             Lola works in an office.

C             He´s a fireman.

4             Javier works at the fire station.

D             She´s a librarian.

5             Mrs García works in a hospital.

E             He´s a teacher.

6             Mr Gonzáles works in a circus.

F             She´s a nurse.

7             Mrs Jiménez works at the public library.

G            He´s a gardener.

8             Jesús works in parks and gardens.

H             She´s a policewoman.

9             Luis works in a small restaurant.

I              She´s a receptionist.

10           Mrs Crespo works in a hotel.

J              He´s a waiter.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             E
2             H
3             A
4             C
5             F
6             B
7             D
8             G
9             J
10           I


K. Elija la forma apropiada de completar las frases.

1             You speak ... very well.

A             the immigration form

2             He opened ... very slowly.

B             and date of birth

3             He is filling ... in very quickly.

C             the food

4             She is driving her ... very carefully.

D             new car

5             They are singing ... very beautifully.

E             English

6             he wrote his name ... very clearly.

F             the men

7             he is cooking ... very well.

G            the door

8             They are listening to ... very closely.

H             the song

9             She is decorating her ... very nicely.

I              beer

10           He is drinking the ... very quickly.

J              room

Las respuestas correctas.

1             E
2             G
3             A
4             D
5             H
6             B
7             C
8             F
9             J
10           I


Solo Build It!