Ejercicios Clase 23

Solo Build It!

A. Pregunte si Usted puede hacer estas cosas.

1             Usted quiere entrar en una tienda con su perro.

                Can I ............................... my ...................... into this  .......................... ?

2             Usted quiere nadar en el lago.

                ....................... I .............................. in the  ........................ ?

3             Usted y su amigo quieren pescar en un río.

                ....................... we .............................. in this  ................................ ?

4             Usted quiere sentarse cerca de la ventana en un restaurante.

                Can I ..........................  ........................... the window?

5             Usted quiere dos billetes de tren para Rotterdam.

                ........................ I have ........................... ...................................... to Rotterdam, please?

6             Usted quiere ver al dueño del estaurante.        

                .............. I ...................... the ................. ......... please?

Las respuestas correctas.

1             bring/dog/shop
2             Can/swim/lake
3             Can/fish/rver
4             sit near
5             Can/two tickets
6             Can/see/owner

B. Reescriba las frases en su orden correcto.

1             Can come you to my house tomorrow?


2             make anybody can a sandwich.


3             She can speak very well Japanese.


4             I can´t you see this afternoon.


5             He won´t to have take the exam next Tuesday.


6             We like would to go away in July.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             Can you come to my house tomorrow?
2             Anybody can make a sandwich.
3             She can speak Japanese very well.
4             I can´t see you this afternoon.                  
5             He won´t have to take the exam next Tuesday.
6             We would like to go away in July.

C. Complete estas frases, usando 'can' o 'can´t' y uno de los verbos.

                DORMIR  -  OÍR  -  HABLAR  -  IR  -  COCINAR  -  VER

1             She is very clever. She ...................  ........................ four languages.

2             I´m sorry. I .....................  ................... to the concert with you.
3             I´m very tired, but I ..............................  ............................  .

4             Anybody ....................................  ..................... an omelette.

5             Please speak louder. I ...........................  .................. you.

6             I´m afraid Mr Jansen..............................  ................... you today. He´s very busy.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             can speak
2             can´t go
3             can´t sleep
4             can cook
5             can´t hear
6             can´t see

D. Escriba 'very well', y las palabras dadas.

1             AJEDREZ

                She can play ......................  ............................ .. .......................... .

2             INGLÉS

                He can´t understand .........................  ........................... ............................

3             MONTAR A CABALLO

                I can .....................  ..............................  ................................ .

4             GENTE/DIBUJAR

                The children can ........................  ...........................  ...................... ................... .

5             OÍR/A TI

                I can´t ................................... ........... ...............  ..........................  ........................ .

6             INGLÉS/LEER

                Can you .............................. ............................... ..................... ............................. ?

Las respuestas correctas.

1             chess very well
2             English very well
3             ride very well
4             draw people very well
5             hear you very well
6             read English very well

E. Escriba los complementos directos de las frases siguientes.

1             You can´t ride your bicycle in this park.


2             Don´t follow me!


3             Shall I put the box here or there?


4             She is studying English and French.


5             What can you hear?


6             Whocan you see?


Las respuestas correctas.

1             your bicycle
2             me
3             the box
4             English and French
5             What
6             Who

F. Complete con una de las palabras dadas y un pronombre objeto.

1             perfect/perfectly

                I can see Mr Green  ............................... , but I can´t hear ........... .

2             very well/ quite well

                I can´t write Russian ................... .................... , but I can speak....................... .

3             slow/quickly

                He reads books ........................... , but he doesn´t understand ....................... .

4             clearly/clear

                She can hear the girl .......................... ......... , but she can´t see .........................

5             good/well

                He can drive his car .............................. , but he can´t park ...................... .

6             fluently/good

                You don´t speak German .................................... , but you can understand .................. .

Las respuestas correctas.

1             perfectly/him
2             very well/it
3             quickly/them
4             clearly/them
5             well/it
6             fluently/it

G. Escriba lo que preguntaría o diría en cada situación.

1             Pregunta a un amigo qué quiere hacer esta noche.

                What .................  .............. . want .................. do tonight?

2             Pregunte a su esposa qué querría ver en la televisión.
                ...................... .. would you ............................ ...................  watch on television?

3             Diga que quiere jugar al ajedrez.

                I want ...............  ................... chess.

4             Diga que le gustaría reservar una habitación en un hotel para dos noches.

                I ................  ................. to reserve a ...................... for two ........................ .

5             Diga que hoy le gustaría quedarse en casa.

                ....... ' .......... .....................  to ............................. at home today.

6             Pregunta a sus amigos dónde les gustaría ir.

                .................................. would you .................... ........... ......... ?

Las respuestas correctas.

1             do you/to
2             What/like to
3             to play
4             would like/room/nights
5             I´d like/stay
6             Where/like to go

H. Complete con el verbo adecuado y otras palabras necesarias.

1             Una mujer con un sombrero grande se sienta delante de Usted en un cine.   see/hear

                I´d like to be able .......................  .......................... the film.

2             Usted tiene un brazo roto.         see/play

                I´d like ..............  be able ............ .............................. golf.

3             Usted tiene dolor de muelas.    eat/grow
                I´d like to ...............  ........................ to ...................  an apple.

 4            Usted ve un reluciente coche deportivo rojo en una tienda de coches.               fix/have

                I´d .................... to  .................... that car. 
 5            Usted está pescando y quiere pescar un pez grande.    would/want

                I .....................  .................. . catch a big ......................... . 

6             A Usted le gustaría poder levantarse tarde.       get down/get up

I would ............................... to be ........................ to ................ ............... late.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             to see
2             to/to play
3             be able/eat
4             like/have
5             want to/fish
6             like/able/get up

I. Complete las frases, usando las palabras dadas.

                DEJAR  -  LLEVAR PUESTO  -  PAGAR  -  ESPERAR

1             You can park here, but you have ................ ...................... € 2,00

2             You can come in, but you have  .............  ......... ............................. a suit.

3             You can´t go. You have ............... ..................... .................. the green light.    

4             You can´t take that inside. You have  ....................  ............................... it here

Las respuestas correctas.

1             to pay
2             to wear
3             to wait for
4             to leave

J. Reordene las palabras para formar frases.

1             go/to/on holiday/I/next year/want


2             very/can´t/swim/She/well


3             well/French/speak/can/quite/She


4             an egg/Anybody/fry/can


5             play/would/I/to/chess/like


6             the lift/take/to/You/have/will


7             help/me?/Can/you


8             the piano/like/to/be/wouñd/able/play/I/to


Las respuestas correctas.

1             I want to go on holiday next year.
2             She can´t swim very well.
3             She can speak French quite well.
4             Anybody can fry an egg.
5             I would like to play chess.
6             You will have to take the lift.
7             Can you help me?
8             I would like to be able to play the piano.

K. Seleccione la forma verbal correcta para completar las frases.

1             to be able/be able          to speak/speak

                I´d like ...................................  ..................................... English.

2             To park/park

                You can´t ............................... here on weekdays.         

3             work/to work

                He didn´t go to the party because he had ......................... .

4             to learn/learn

                I´d like ................................... to play tennis.   

5             buy/to buy

                She needs ............................... some new clothes.

6             to take/take

                Shall I ........................... your coat?

7             to be/be

                I had ..................................... home at ten o´clock.

8             to like/like          to go/go

                Would you ........................................  ................................ to the cinema with me?

9             leave/to leave

                They don´t want ...................................... .

10           to have/have    to eat/eat

                Can we ...................................... something ....................................... ?

11           buy/to buy

                They´re going to shop ..................................... some milk and eggs.

12           to have/have    to bring/bring

                You will ...................................  ................................. a hat and gloves.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             to be able/to speak
2             park
3             to work
4             to learn
5             to buy
6             take
7             to be
8             like to go
9             to leave
10           have/to eat
11           to buy

12           have to bring

L. Elija lo que tienen que hacer estas personas en cada situación.

1             Peter has arrived at the bank. It is not open yet.
A             He´ll have to stop at a garage.

2             The buses and trains are on strike tomorrow.
B             She´ll have to buy a bigger one.

3             Mr Johnson´s car is nearly out of petrol.
C             He´ll have to go up the stairs.

4             Mrs Smith´s bicycle has got a puncture.
D             He´ll have to wait outside.

5             Carlos can´t speak English very well.
E             You´ll have to speak slowly and clearly.

6             Marinahas got six children and a very small car.
F             He´ll have to call the doctor.

7             German has got flu and he feels awful.
G            Everybody will have to walk to work.

8             Mr Poelman has spilt red wine on his shirt.
H             She´ll have to buy her a present.

9             It´s Mrs Felida´s daughter´s birthday tomorrow.
I              He´ll have to wash it.

10           Randy is going to the sixteenth floor. The lift doesn´t work.
J              She´ll have to mend it.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             D
2             G
3             A
4             J
5             E
6             B
7             F
8             I
9             H
10           C


Solo Build It!