Ejercicios Clase 26

Solo Build It!

A. Escriba lo que dice. (Escriba los números en letra cuando sea necesario.)

1             Pregunta qué fecha es hoy.

                ........................ ' ................ the .......................... .........................? 

2             Diga que es ventitrés de agosto.

                It´s .......................  the .............................. ... ..................... . 

3             Diga que es cuatro de julio.

                It´s ............................. ........................  of .................. ...............

4             Diga que es uno de marzo.

                It´s ................... the ............................................. .

5             Diga que quiere ir de vacaciones el verano que viene.

                I want ........................  go ........................... holiday next ................... . 

6             Diga que fueron a Sierra Nevada en enero.        

                We .................................... to Sierra Nevada....................  .............................. .

7             Diga que es el tres de abril de 1994.

                It´s the .................................................  of April,........................... ninety-four.

8             Diga que es viernes diez de junio.

                It´s ............................................ , ........................... ....................... of June.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             What´s/date today
2             August/twenty-third
3             in fourth/July
4             March/first
5             to/on/summer
6             went/in January
7             third/nineteen
8             Friday/the tenth

B. Escriba las fechas utilizando abreviaturas de los números ordinales.

1             23 de mayo de 1993.

                23 ..................  ................................, 1993.

2             22 de diciembre de 1995.

                ....................... ........................... ,1995. 

3             11 de enero de 1949. (inglés norteamericano)

                .......................................  ...................... , 1949. 

4             26 de octobre de 1968. (inglés norteamericano)

                ...........................  .......................................  ,1968.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             rd May
2             22nd December
3             January 11th
4             October 26th     


C. Complete las frases con una preposición y escriba el número en letras.

              in  -  on  -  at

1             16th

                Carl´s birthday is ............ the ....................... ..............................of August.

2             52nd

                My mother´s ................ ........................ birthday is ................... Sunday.

3             20th       

                It´s his friend´s............... ............... ............................ birthday...... this weekend.

4             30th

                Her ............. ....................... ..................... birthday is ............... April.

5             40th

                His ........................................................... birthday is ................ April 2nd.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             on/sixteenth
2             fifty-second/at
3             twentieth/at
4             thirtieth/in
5             fortieth/on

D. Responda a las preguntas, utilizando las pistas dadas.

1             Where was Charlie Chaplin born?           (LONDRES)

                He .......................  ................  ..........  ....................

2             Where were Mr and Mrs York born?     (ESTADOS UNIDOS)

                They .................... born ............... the ................................  ............................ .

3             When were Lola and Annborn?               (EL AÑO PASADO)

                They .....................  .................................  .............................  .......................

4             When was Shakespeare born? (SIGLO)

                He ........................  ..................... .................... the sixteeth ............................. .

5             Where was your little girl born?                               (INGLATERRA)

                She ............... ........................................  ..........  ................................. .

6             When was the lamb born?         (EN LA PRIMAVERA)

It ..............  .............................  ........................... the  ............................ .

Las respuestas correctas.

1             was born in London
2             were/in/United States
3             were born last year
4             was born in/century
5             was born in England
6             was born in/spring

E. Responda usando las palabras dadas.

1             When did Melchor stay in Tokyo?           (MARZO-JUNIO)

                He ........................ in Tokyo ...............................   .................... to  ........................ .

2             When did Mrs Anderson work at the ank?         (ABRIL-AGOSTO)

                She ................................  at the bank from .......................  ........  ................................ .

3             How long did the rain last?         (MEDIANOCHE)

                It ...........................................  ............ midday ............. ........................................... .

4             How long will the course last?   (MARTES-JUEVES)

                It will .................................. from ................................  ..............  ............................ .

5             When are you open?    (LAS NUEVE-LAS CINCO)

                We .................... open from ............................. o´clock ........  ....................... o´clock.

6             When will he be in The Hague?                (VIERNES-LUNES)
                He will ................... there .................... 

............................. to ................................ .

Las respuestas correctas.

1             stayed/from March/June
2             worked/April to August
3             lasted from/to midnight
4             last/Tuesday to Thursday
5             are/nine/to five
6             be/from Friday/Monday

F. Reordene las palabras para formar frases.

1             long/to the centre/It won´t/to get/take


2             moved/two years/to Amsterdam/Adam/ago


3             to get/long/there by coach/time/It takes/a


4             here/Mexico/way/from/long/is/a


5             a month/be away/for/She´ll


6             won´t/to get/long/They/take/here


Las respuestas correctas.

1             It won´t take long to get to the centre.
2             Adam moved to Amsterdam two years ago.
3             It takes a long time to get there by coach.
4             Mexico is a long way from here.
5             She´ll be away for a month.
6             They won´t take long to get here.

G. Complete las preguntas.

1             She´s is flying to Bogatá.

                How long does it take .................. fly ............. Bogatá?

2             He drove to Madrid.

                How long did ............... take ................ to Madrid?

3             The walked to work. 

                How long ............. i take .................. to .......................... to work?

4             He will make breakfast. 

                How long ................. it take .............. to........................... breakfast?

5             She read an email.

                How long .................... it takes ........... to ..................... that email?

6             They are going to Rotterdam.

                How long will it take them ................ get ............... Rotterdam.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             to/to
2             it/him/drive
3             did/them/walk
4             will/him/make
5             did/her/read
6             to/to

H. Complete las frases usando 'ago', las palabras dadas y otras palabras.

1             When was Lena in Oslo?              (DOS SEMANAS)

                She .......................... there ..... ...................  ........................  ................. .

2             When did Ronaldo and Adriaan go to Russia?    (OCHO MESES)

                They ..................... ... there .......................... .................................  ..................... .

3             When did she arrive at the airport?        (DIEZ MINUTOS)
                She ...............................  at the airport ...................  ....................  ...................... .

4             When were you born? (VEINTIDÓS AÑOS)

                I ..................... born .......... .................. years....................... .

 5            When did Alex go back to work?             (UNA HORA)

                He ...............................  .................. an ............................. .................. .

6             When did you come back to England?   (DÍAS)

                We .............................  ........................... four ..............................  ..................... .

Las respuestas correctas.

1             was/two weeks ago
2             went/eight months ago
3             arrived/ten minutes ago
4             was/twenty-two/ago
5             went back/hour ago
6             came back/days ago

I. Responda a las preguntas, usando 'for...' y las pistas dadas.

1             How long was he in hospital?    (CUATRO MESES)            

                He ........... in hospital ...................... ................................. ........................ .

2             How long will the film last?         (DOS HORAS)   

                It will ............... ......................  ................  ............................. ...............

3             How long did you wait?               (CUARENTA MINUTOS)

                I ....................  ..................... ...... ............ ................. ........................... .         

4             How long did he live in South Africa?     (TRECE AÑOS)

                He ..............  there ................ ....................  ....................... .

5             How long did your flight last?    (OCHO HORAS)

                It ................................ ............................ ........................  .................. .

6             How long will the be away?        (DIEZ DÍAS)

                They´ll ............................. away ..................  ....................  ..................... .

Las respuestas correctas.

1             was/for four months
2             last for two hours
3             waited for forty minutes
4             lived/for thirteen years
5             lasted for eight hours
6             be/for ten days

J. Elija las palabras adecuadas para completar las frases.

1             ... is the sixth month of the year.
A             January

2             ... is the second month of the year.
B             February

3             ... is the tenth month of the year.
C             March

4             ... is the seventh month of the year.
D             April

5             ... is the third month of the year.
E             May

6             ... is the first month of the year.
F             June

7             ... is the elevnthmonth of the year.
G            July

8             ... is the fourth month of the year.
H             September

9             ... is the ninth month of the year.
I              October

10           ... is the fifth month of the year.
J              November

Las respuestas correctas.

1             F
2             B
3             I
4             G
5             C
6             A
7             J
8             D
9             H
10           E

K. Elija las palabras o expresiones adecuadas para completar las frases.

1             They cycled to the beach, but ...
A             twelve

2             I went to the party on foot, but ...
B             yesterday

3             There are ... month in a year.
C             on the 

4             It´s the ... of July.
D             ago

5             He´s going on holiday ... spring.
E             in the

6             It´s my birthday ... 5th of September.
F             walked back

7             It´s my mother´s birthday ...
G            and a church

8             George went to Egypt ... .
H             for

9             She was in Paris ... two weeks.
I              came back by bicycle.

10           They came to England two years ... .
J              tomorrow

Las respuestas correctas.

1             F
2             I
3             A
4             G
5             E
6             C
7             J
8             B
9             H
10           D

Solo Build It!